Hotels have been rated based on more than 260 million reviews and reviews written by customers.
    In particular, the Belfiore Park Hotel has an overall rating of 9.2 out of 10. This impressive result projects Belfiore Park Hotel at the top of the ranking in the Brenzone area and between 1% of the best accommodation facilities in Italy and in the best 3% in the world.
    Certificate awarded to only 10 facilities of Lake Garda, which put into practice all the necessary actions required by the Gardagreen protocol to preserve the ecosystem. At the end of your stay, upon request, you will receive a certificate of environmental impact: you will discover your real contribution to the protection of our beloved lake.
    Collection of exclusive "beautiful country" hotels, dedicated to the most attentive and refined travelers. Our Hotel falls into the category of hotels that represent Italian excellence.
    Web portal of travel with publication of reviews from users around the world, based on common sense and honesty. Like every year, also in 2017 our structure has achieved the certificate of excellence.
    The only site where customer reviews are 100% truthful. Only those who buy from booking can express their opinion. In the 4-star superior category the Belfiore Park Hotel is within the 10 best facilities of Lake Garda and in the 20 of the entire Veneto region.
    The first online guide to healthier and safer hotel hospitality.
    Hotelinsalute.com has as its mission to identify hotels and accommodation facilities that can offer health-conscious customers, by necessity or by choice, a stay in healthier and safer rooms.
    In fact, the qualification of these structures is based on the Healthy Room Protocol, which often boasts parameters that are even higher than those of the law.
    Portal dedicated to customer opinions, very famous especially in Germany. First place in Brenzone sul Garda, among the first 3 locations of the entire Lake Garda and in the very first positions of the Veneto region.
  • TOP 100 HOTELS
    Photographic book that immortalizes the best 100 Italian hotels awarded for the excellence of their service and their hospitality.
    Famous portal where you can buy your vacation, including a flight or a rental car. Only those who book on Expedia can release a review.
    Recent Expedia competitor, with discount bonuses. To get the score, combine your reviews with those of Tripadvisor.
    System that compares all the offers of the various websites to find the cheapest price. The score is calculated with an average among all the portals.